Two amazing techniques to supercharge yourself instantly

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How to supercharge myself instantly (How to get instant energy)

Do you feel tired after finishing your 9 to 5 job? Do you feel all of your energy is sucked after work? Well, you aren’t alone we all face the same. Now, one last question. Do you want to supercharge yourself instantly whenever feel tired?

Then this post is definitely for you! At the end of this post, you will get what you’re looking for i.e How to supercharge myself or How to get instant engery. Don’t fear! You won’t be told any extraordinary thing that does not belong to this earth.

Instead, you will know about two simple yet powerful things. I personally use that two things in my daily life to get instant energy. So no worries! It’s even always available in your kitchen. Just keep reading below.

Drink Lemon Water

When your energy is almost drained drink a glass of lemon water. Okay, let’s know the process to make:

Have a glass of pure water → squezze and drop 2-3 drops of lemon (The more ripe the lemon, the more juice it will have) → add a teaspoon of jaggery powder → Add a pinch of salt → Mix the mixture → Your Lemon Water is ready to drink!

You can add some ice cubes to drink cool. It’s just a optional choice for you!

There is another benefit of drinking lemon water. Here it is: Suffering from constipation? Practice these habits & home remedies


Eat a handful of roasted nuts after drinking lemon water. That’s it!

Now just wait 5 to 10 mintues. Hopefully you will see the difference in your energy level. You will feel more energy than before. Yes, this was the two simple yet powerful instant energy trick. Drink lemon water + Eat a handful of roasted nuts= You get your instant energy (you’re now supercharged like Thor :p)

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