Dear Health “Terms & Policies”

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Entering into our site, all users/viewers/readers acknowledge to obey our “Terms & Policies”. Failure to do so, we request strictly not to visit our site. Continuing to this site, you won’t be considered as our user and so you can’t claim/send/ask for any type of security/complaint/services from us. Not following our “Terms & Policies” completely or properly may lead to suspension of the account or a ban from accessing the site. 

Any user whether registered or not using our site or its services on behalf of a company, organization, or any other entity containing more than 1 member also agrees/authorizes/warrants to obey our “Terms & Policies”. That user will be responsible for any kind of action on our site.

Many users complain why every entity makes their policies (either privacy policies or related policies) too complicated, lengthy, and sometimes not understandable. 

Well, the difficulty of anything depends on the understanding of a person.

Okay, but why these kinds of policies are made, and why it’s lengthy?

These are made to inform users about the proper, legal, and disciplined way of our functioning and to ensure transparency between you and us. That’s why mostly it becomes lengthy.

Now you may ask why disciplined way?

The word “Discipline” isn’t a thing you imagine mostly. Discipline is not about rules, regulations, or punishment. Even it doesn’t mean agreement, obedience, or forcing something continuously to do the same thing again and again. Simply, it means studying, learning, training, and applying a series of standards to get the optimum result. Without discipline, no one can exist, operate or survive. Hopefully, now you understand why we made this 😀

In short, the “Terms and Policies” informs you about our collection, use, disclosure, and preferences of your personal data. By accepting our policies, all users (whether registered or not) who use our site or its services give their consent to receive services from us in the form of digital content like texts, images, pdfs, courses, emails, etc. and hereby always agree to abide by the “Terms and Policies” set forth below.

“Terms & Policies” at a Glance:

At, we are always committed to protecting your privacy and usage. We try our best to ensure any personal information you share with us is kept safe and secure. These “Terms & Policies” give brief info about the types of information we collect, how we use them, and the steps we take to protect them.

Information we collect
When you visit our site we collect the following types of info from you:

  • Personal information such as your name, email address, phone number, etc that you exclusively give us for the services
  • Non-PII Information about your usage of our website and services, such as your IP address, cookies, device IDs, etc.

Why do we use your information?
We use your info (only when needed) for the following purposes:

  • To provide health or related services
  • To personalize and improve your experience on the site to show better/relevant results
  • To communicate with you about our services to give the best solutions or way
  • To comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

How do we share your information?
We don’t sell, rent, or disclose your personal info to third parties for any purpose/s. However, this doesn’t include the information we share with the following parties:

  • Service Providers who assist us in operating the site and are committed to keeping your information confidential
  • Government and regulatory authorities where necessary by the law

We use global standard measures (where possible) to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal info. We use encryption, firewalls, and other security technologies to protect your information from any unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction by third parties. Still, we can’t give you any guarantee/assurance/commitment to your data protection. You will be solely responsible for any misuse of your data (in rare cases if happens).

Your Rights
You always have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data. You can revoke/download/edit those data at any time by simply contacting us at contact[at]

Note: The above is only a glance at our “Terms & Policies”. You shouldn’t take any action/decision based on it.

Terms & Policies” in detail:

Our Identity

Who are we?
We are Dear Health, or; was created, founded, and owned by Hridoy Kundu. We do our best to ensure that most of the health-related information available on our site is sourced from various trusted, genuine, and authentic sites. We are committed to providing you with helpful and reliable health info in as simple way as possible. 

We mostly focus on changing to healthy habits, exercises, and foods. But we aren’t here for prescribing medicines/treatments or resemble doctors/health professionals. Know more in About Us.

Official identity of us over the internet or only (on the search bar) is our one and only official site. Any site other than that name or web address is third-party. You and your security will be solely responsible usage of those third parties.

Official name: Dear Health or Dear Health, or
Official web address: or (shows only in the search bar)
Official owner/creator/founder/writer: Hridoy Kundu
Official social media user handle: deardothealth
Official Facebook page:
Official Instagram page:
Official Youtube channel:
Official Twitter:
Official Pinterest:

How can you contact us?
For sponsorship/business/promotion queries: business[at]
For any queries other than the above: contact[at]


General Terms
This section defines the terms used all over the “Terms & Policies”. Here, 

  • reader/s, viewer/s, visitor/s, user/s, person/s, entity/entities, etc. all mean the same term. (Note: reader/s refers reader/readers and so on…)
  • we, us, our,, Dear Health, dear health, our site, on this site, etc. all mean the same term.
  • Digital media/Digital content/Digital media content (not limited to): texts, images, audio/podcast, videos, pdfs, courses, software
  • User content means any form of digital content like text, image, audio, video, etc submitted/posted by a user on our site.
  • Any content (whether it appears on the site or not) that is not generated by us is called third party/parties content. For example, google/ ads, sponsored links, posts, and articles.
  • All of the above and below mentions of [at] mean @

Definition of PII and Non-PII
Due to the different definitions and rules of the US, EU, and GDPR regarding the definition of PII (sensitive and non-sensitive) and non-PII, we adhere to the following definitions: (mostly it includes but is not limited to)

PII (Personally Identifiable Information)

  • Full Name
  • Physical Address
  • Age or, Date of Birth
  • Religion or, Race
  • Phone Number
  • Work Place
  • Website Login Data
  • Driving License
  • Medical, Financial, Educational, Employment, Passport, Biometric Info
  • Social Security Number

i) Sensitive PII (Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information)

  • Driving License
  • Medical, Financial, Educational, Employment, Passport, Biometric Info
  • Social Security Number

ii) Non-Sensitive PII (Non-Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information)

  • Full Name
  • Physical Address
  • Age or, Date of Birth
  • Religion or, Race
  • Phone Number
  • Work Place
  • Website Login Data

Non-PII (Non-Personally Identifiable Information)

  • IP Address & its given statistics (Gender, Country, Time Zone, Screen Size, Device OS/Browser, etc.) 
  • Cookies
  • Device IDs

Use of our site or its services

You should never use others’ accounts on the site without their permission. If any security breaches or misuse happen to your account, you should contact us immediately at contact[at] email address. Again let you know in advance, we are not responsible for any damages caused by unauthorized access/use of any user account. Therefore, keep these few things in mind to keep your account safe and secure – i) keep your password up-to-date and make it with a combination of capital-small letters, numbers, and special characters like  %, $, @, &, ! etc. ii) always change your password after a certain period of time iii) keep your device virus-free and malware-free. iv) don’t log in from any public device or through public wifi.

Age restrictions
Our site isn’t made and is strictly prohibited for a user under the age of 13. Therefore, parental guidance is advised to surf/browse our site. Our system is made in such a way that it collects different types of data from anyone who uses our site or its service. Unknowingly if we collect the personal data of a person under the age of 13, you being a parent/guardian can contact us to delete that from our servers.

Intellectual Property
This site’s original contents, logos, copyrights, trademarks, texts, images, audio, videos, graphics, domain name, and others related to “intellectual property rights” only belong to Dear Health,/, and the person behind this – Hridoy Kundu. Anyone/any user without permission (other than the former two), can’t claim any intellectual rights from us whether for commercial or non-commercial purpose/s.

Third-party content/services
Our site includes or offers third-party products or services through links, posts, images, or any other digital medium. These third-party sites have their own separate and independent policies. Therefore, we take no responsibility, liability, integrity, or feedback from our users by using those sites.

User rights to use our services
All users may use our digital media content such as text, images, etc. in a lawful manner for personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-commercial purposes only. They should respect other or opposite communities’ (different gender, religion, castes, etc.) opinions/perspectives. Also, they are always advised to use common sense and humanity sense to understand and act according to the situation.

Users shouldn’t use/sell-resell/distribute-redistribute our original digital content without our permission (well defined in the section Digital Media Rights or Copyright). It is except as stated in the copyright fair use act which mainly focuses on two things i) commentary/review/criticism and ii) parody, as stated by Standford and in detail explained on the Wiki. They shouldn’t involve in any kind of defaming, hate, bullying, harassment, or such related things to others. These are strictly prohibited. In any way or any meaning, any user shouldn’t indulge in hacking, security breaches, or exploiting the site or its content. They should not post/upload any unethical, immoral, offensive, or act as a party e.g. political party to influence others. Until a user owns exclusive digital content/s, he/she can’t claim any copyright/trademark/patent or such intellectual rights from us. Not obeying DOs & DON’Ts (some mentioned but not limited to) may force us to take legal action against that person or entity. To some worst extent, violating those may be considered a serious crime, and may be liable to take the matter to court.

User Device Protection
We use third-party content and services to make our revenues; understand user behavior; and so on. As we don’t control or have control of these third parties, we strictly don’t take any liability for the usage of this type of content that may contain destructive properties like viruses, malware, etc. So users are requested to take their own precautions and protections in this regard. Some precautional advises are – i) don’t click or go to any link which seems suspicious or from a very unknown entity ii) don’t download/buy any services/products from any site which is fake or untrusted iii) always use proper antivirus/antimalware protection and keep your device/account password up-to-date iv) don’t be greedy and always use your common sense and knowledge to believe on something v) always verify the authenticity of any site/products/services before you take any action

User Prohibited activities
You shouldn’t do these prohibited activities on this site (mentioned but not limited):

  • Transmit/send spam, chain, or unsolicited email/s
  • Attempt to interfere with or compromise the system security between our servers and the services or end users
  • Taking any action that imposes or may impose a large load on our infrastructure unnecessarily
  • Uploading device-destructive software agents like viruses, worms, malware, etc in our servers to collect/destroy/modify any data
  • Impersonating another person or any entities i.e organization, company, etc; or, simply misrepresenting yourself
  • Scraping or using the site’s data to train Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence without our written permission

User Content
Our site allows users to post/submit content like comments, queries, etc. through the comment box, contact email, or in other forms/formats. You agree not to post any content that (not limited to) – 

  • may create physical/mental/emotional damage or loss to you, us, or others 
  • seeks personal or confidential details of others i.e. financial/medical info
  • expose others to completely inappropriate/dangerous/illegal content
  • contains any info that deems to be unlawful, harmful, abusive, racial, sexual, offensive, obscene, harassing, insulting, threatening, humiliating, infringing on personal privacy, or otherwise socially and morally not acceptable
  • contains any info or content that influences/constitutes/contributes to a user to do crime/s
  • create riots/conflicts between opposite entities like gender, religion, caste, country, etc.
  • includes the disclosure of insider info/secret (e.g. trade secret) of any security/legal authorities or any other third party
  • includes others’ copyright, trademark, patent, or any such intellectual rights
  • contains any info that you shouldn’t make available to the public under any law or contracts
  • is misleading, inaccurate, deceptive, or completely wrong

We take no responsibility and liability for any user-generated content. You are responsible for the content you uploaded and understand the consequences of posting or publishing the content to the public on our site. You agree that we/ Health will always work as a passive entity for any online distribution or publication of your content. We shall not be liable for any damages/losses to others or to you that occur due to the user content.

User License Grants
Posting any content on this site you warrant us to have all rights and expressly grant us a royalty-free, licensable, transferable, permanent, unchangeable, non-exclusive license to use, modify, change, reproduce, and distribute all works.

Our final decision/action
We reserve all the rights to remove, change, or modify any forms of digital content on this site (Dear Health,/ with/without notifying the users/viewers/readers. No one can claim/request the opposite after our final decision/action.

Privacy Policy

Disclaimer! Based on Personal Experience
If you see the label “Disclaimer! Based on Personal Experience” it means the article or the content is primarily based upon the experience of the writer and the creator of Dear Health: Hridoy Kundu. Any suggestion/s on that content are mostly derived from him or his elders or reading ancient methodology books. This is why it may or may not be based on scientific evidence or prescribed by a doctor/health professional. We don’t take any responsibility for any consequences that happen by trying those suggestions, tips, or such things. Only you will be responsible for that.

Medical Disclosure
On our website, all types of health-related content, advice/instructions, services, products, or any such related things aren’t made as a substitute for any authorized/qualified doctors’ or healthcare professionals’ work. This site is intended for general and very basic health information purposes only. In any way or by any means, our site shouldn’t be used as professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any kind of medical condition or emergency, seek help from the nearest doctor. Using or knowing any info/services from our site, you shouldn’t stop, start, or modify any of your treatment/s for a medical condition suggested/advised by medical professionals or doctors. Without their supervision, our services or info shouldn’t be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any type of disease or medical condition. 

We don’t resemble any tests, products, procedures, or opinions prescribed by doctors. Our services/suggestions aren’t regulated by any Food or Health safety authority. The information posted on our site is primarily written by an ordinary person like you who may differ from an ordinary person only by a health enthusiast mentality.

We only give health info or solutions when it’s a universal or very basic health habit problem and doesn’t require any serious health advisory. Still, that too causes many people allergic or other health problems. That’s why we always suggest professional physicians for any health advisory of any treatments. The reason? Different ages, genders, and health conditions people require different types of health treatment. So in one universal way (which most of our website posts address), treating all types of people isn’t possible.

Commission Disclosure 
When you click/see any of our promotional content (including but not limited to) advertisements, sponsors, or affiliate links we earn a certain amount of commissions shared between us and the respective advertise parties. We also earn money when you buy any courses, PDFs, or any such digitally created things from us. To make transparency with our users, we declare most of our promotional content as a tag “AD”, “ADVERTISEMENT”, “SPONSORED”, or  “PROMOTED”. This doesn’t include affiliate links due to having little to no space for showing tags and the complexity of adding different codes. 

Bias Disclosure
We want to be as neutral as possible. But sometimes knowingly or unknowingly we (primarily Hridoy Kundu as a writer and occasionally other writers) may give biased opinions, reviews, or preferences. That’s why we always advise our users/readers/viewers or anyone else using our site to consider their discretion, intelligence, ability to fact-check/cross-check, and common sense before coming into any conclusion.

User Data

i) Why do we retain your data?
To be frank, when you’re online and using any other services your data/privacy is no longer yours. Although you can do some steps to be less trackable but unfortunately not completely [Cite 1, 2]. Yes! These two lines also apply to the author who was writing this. Then you might ask if the author already knows this why doesn’t he just stop tracking us? Well, the simple answer is – we won’t survive. Unless we get any extraordinary solution to stop tracking our users, we have to do and have to let others do the same with us infinitely. In the offline world, even if you talk or connect to someone, you also infringe on your data. On offline you share your data with others in the form of your behavior, emotions, or reactions to something. On online the same is done in digital mode or by a piece of code. Giving you no more surprise about the fact that most institute, company, or organization collects your data. Even if you don’t give permission to them. 

The only difference between them is Goodwill and Badwill. Goodwill only collects your data either that’s not linked to you or you have already given exclusive permission to use them. On the other hand, Badwill just doesn’t even care whether you give permission to them or not about collecting your data. To survive, as others do, the same goes for us. We also collect your data and retain it – to give you a better and smoother user experience by personalizing things; to show relevant information, products, and services you like or want to buy; honestly and obviously to make more profits. Now you decide the pattern of collecting your data that we follow whether the good one or the bad one.

ii) When do we retain your data?
We retain your data (e.g. your name, email address, date of birth, gender, etc.) only with your consent. Every time you left a comment, register/sign-up/login, subscribe to the newsletter, use the social media share options or plugin to share our articles, or simply use/buy our services, your data is stored at our site. For social media sharing, the data of your social media public profile is stored. This data helps us to create user-specific profiles in our website database. You always can withdraw or delete this at any time from your profile page or by sending us an email.

iii) How long do we retain your data?
Except for certain types of data like cookies that may disappear automatically from the server in hours, days, weeks, or max to max in a year. Most of your data e.g. your name, email address, comments, transaction history, etc enrolled by yourself are retained on our site forever until you ask us to delete those.

Note that sending us an email to delete those data linked to you, will be deleted on the surface level of our site. Mean, any user visiting the site or any editors, writers, or any person not at the admin level won’t see any info about you. But the admins of the site and legal constitutions i.e. Police and Court will always have a copy of your whole data given to the site. 

Be rest assured, your info will be shared with those authorized entities only when you did a serious crime. This is one of the extremes of extreme and rarest of the rarest case.

iv) To whom do we share your data?
We don’t sell, trade, or transfer your data to anyone. However, this does not include our trusted third parties who promised us to keep that info confidential. For example, Google Analytics, Bing webmaster tools, Microsoft Clarity, etc. are some of those we trust. They help us in operating, conducting, servicing, and understanding the behavior of our consumers and improvements in their experience and engagement. Moreover, those tools are used to see how users are interacting with our site, what’s their retention on a particular webpage, how much they are scrolling, where are their clicking points (hotspot), what are their age, country, gender, and so on. We also use trusted and recognized email marketing services such as Convert Studio, Get Bounce, to send emails, to track whether the user opened our email or not, if opened do they click the links mentioned in the email? if clicked, do they purchase anything or not?

We may also disclose your info to law and enforcement agencies like courts, police, national investigation agencies when there are safety concerns for us and other users. Unfortunately, our sharing of your data with those trusted parties will continue until we find an awesome solution that doesn’t track anything without affecting the user experience and our revenue.

v) How do we protect your data?
We use – i) https to ensure encryption of the information that is exchanged between our server and your browser ii) Sucuri/Wordfence security to stop spam and data breaches iii) malware/virus scanning on our site both from the backend and frontend. It is done due to check, prevent and protect our users from any kind of cyber threats. iv) hash format in our database (instead of plain text) to store your data in encrypted form v) and so on.

Cookies are small files of information sent from our site to your browser and it’s stored on your device for a certain period of time. The benefit of it is it fasters the site experience by remembering your certain choices made on a particular site.

By using our website, when you leave “user behavior” through comments or usage, we store this type of information in the form of cookies. This is done for your convenience so that every time you use our site you don’t have to put/fill the same info again and again. There are different cookies for different purposes. The duration of these cookies lasts for some hours, days, or weeks to max a year. You can delete these cookies by logging out from the site or, simply, deleting them from your browser settings: search bar<site address<padlock icon<cookies<delete/remove. Remember! On any site, clearing all cookies will delete your choices put on any site and always slower your browsing experience than before. You can experiment with this if you don’t believe it.

Digital Media Rights or Copyright 
All original texts, images, audios, videos, or any such digital media (not mentioned or sourced by any third party) are subject to our copyright. Dear Health, or website or the owner/creator Hridoy Kundu exclusively owned these rights. Without our permission (except the mentioned below) any redistribution or reproduction of our digital media for any commercial purposes will be taken as a copyright or digital media rights violation. Doing such prohibited tasks will force us to take legal action against the practised party.

Where we consider no violation:

  • If anyone belongs to a non-profit organization or free journalism or any kind of free/non-profit initiative that is solely made for the good of our society not for commercial purposes, can use all kinds of our original digital media including texts, images, audio, videos, etc without asking any permission.
  • If you are a blogger or content writer and using our original images (under “Fair use” policy), not any other digital media, won’t violate our copyright. This doesn’t include any third-party images which we don’t own and can be noticed by a tag “Source”/”From”: Third-party site e.g. Source:

Note: You will see many quoted texts, images, or any such digital media on our site that are sourced/derived from third parties. We don’t have any rights to those media being third parties. So despite being a non-profit entity or a blogger/content writer, any usage of those digital media in your work, you will be solely responsible for any consequence. Ultimately we reserve the right to revoke anyone’s permission if excessive misuse of these criteria is found and in any circumstances, the verdict of the Dear Health,/ will be considered final.

Our intellectual rights
Except for user-generated content and third-party content, all types of digital content and material (without limitation) such as software, graphics, illustrations, text, logos, images, audio/music, videos, trademarks, patents, service marks or any such intellectual property rights belongs to Dear Health,/ and its creator Hridoy Kundu. You agree/accept not to claim those rights in our creative/original works and not to sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, reproduce, copy, edit, or publish them.

Embedded content
In many posts, we embed third-party content like texts (mostly in quoted format), images (mostly from royalty-free sites e.g. Wikimedia, Pixabay, etc.), videos (mostly from youtube), etc. Your interaction with those contents is governed by their respective and individual “Terms & Policies”.

No Warranty
Dear Health,/ doesn’t warrant any information/advice whether in oral or written. To be clear, we don’t warrant that – 
i) the information on any content on this site is accurate, reliable, and correct
ii) the service will meet your requirements/queries and will be available at any particular time/location in an uninterrupted and secure way
iii) any defects or errors will be corrected
iv) the service is completely free of viruses or any other destructive components

You shall be solely responsible for any loss/damage to your internet device such as your smartphone, computer, etc. as a result of using or downloading our site or its services. We don’t warrant, endorse, or guarantee about any product or service advertised/offered by a third party. Also, we won’t or won’t be an entity/middleman to monitor those between you and a third party.

Security on our site
Dear Health, or understands and cares about the security of your personal data. But no security measures by any entities in the world are 100% foolproof or secure. The same goes for us. We try our best to provide you with the best security and encryption possible for your data. However, considering you are well aware and mature to the fact that we can’t make any commitment or guarantee or liability to give you 100% security. By using our site or its services you acknowledge that you share your personal info (whether it’s sensitive or not) with us at your own risk. 

Our activity/activities

Our promotional activity
By your exclusive consent, we may send you promotional sms, emails, and notifications about our products/services. If by mistake it was sent to you who has not subscribed or you need no more promotional activities from us, you can always opt out of this permission by sending us an email.

Our monitoring activity
We use third-party tracking tools like Google Analytics, Microsoft Clarity, Bing Webmaster, Jetpack, Adsense, etc. to track you mostly through your IP address. Our tracking is included but is not limited to your location, screen resolution, operating system, time duration, cookies, system activity, hardware settings, types of browser, types of browser language, the date and time of your request to our server, server logs at our site, etc. On your request, we will delete the information that is linked to you from our site. But as we use third parties, we don’t hold any kind of rights or permission on them. As a result, the information stored at their end may not be deleted until you request each of them individually. So, always be aware that you will be solely responsible if any of your data is infringed, misused, or hacked.

Our unavailability/interruption
We try our best to ensure we’re always operational at all times. But we aren’t liable for any interruption/loss/damage of users due to our inactivity/downtime. It may happen for factors outside of our control like server failure/down, technical problems, etc.

Our Confidentiality
You understand that “Dear Health,/ Confidential Information” means a copy of physical or digital material that is generally not known, found, or available to outsiders other than us and shouldn’t be disclosed in public due to security reasons of us and our users. If you found such confidential info/s mistakenly, you hereby agree/acknowledge not to make any copies of such (except expressly authorized by us) and will return to us or will delete those copies containing our confidential info upon request.

Violation of our Policies

Violating our “Terms & Policies” may lead to a ban or block from our site and a user (the action taker) is agreed/liable to provide compensation or indemnity for any type of damage to us or to our other users. As nothing is foolproof, our “Terms & Policies” is also the same. Finding loopholes in our policies and misuse of them will also consider as our Policy violation. At extreme, cases will be handed over to legal authorities for further legal action/procedure.


We update our “Terms and Policies” periodically. So we advise you to review this page from time to time for any changes made in the future. Formerly if you agree to our policy, you automatically agree to the updated version also.

First published: 23 May 2023

Last updated: 28 March 2024

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